comic book girl

Saturday, October 14, 2006

daily perils of being a woman


  • At 4:37 PM, Blogger ChickyBabe said…

    Hehe... mine did that on holidays! And they haven't come down... Not that I'm complaining! ;)

  • At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    They can do that? Wow.

  • At 5:27 PM, Blogger M said…

    chicky - meanwhile I had to give mine a pep talk. Puberty is OVER, girls!!!!

    phil - oh yeah, boys have no idea. What CAN'T they do? I figure soon they will take over the blog themselves and then fund a peace keeping mission in the Sudan.

  • At 6:05 PM, Blogger Nick said…

    Cool, now if only a part of the male anatomy did the same thing...oh, that's right, it does, but more like on a minute by minute basis :p

  • At 6:28 PM, Blogger M said…

    hah! How did I know someone was going to come in and say that?

    Doesn't that spontaneous erection thing slow down once you're out of puberty? Good christ.

  • At 6:46 PM, Blogger Nick said…

    Spontaneous, yes. But other external factors such as the weather (seriously, it's not a myth, when it's cold, Mr Happy becomes small), some stressful situations, bumpy bus rides (erhm, there is a reason it's called a traveller), lycra, some perfumes, visual stimuli, and serious pash groping can all lead to pole pant!

  • At 2:28 PM, Blogger M said…


  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger Come Back Brighter said…

    I think they should have a blog of their own. Plenty of people's pets do, after all. It would be rude to ignore them...

  • At 5:29 AM, Blogger jeut said…

    hahaha. changing pills? :P

    one of my ex's changed pills and immediately went up a cup size. haha. hormones - is there anything they can't do? :P


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