comic book girl

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

oh squishy! :(


  • At 1:38 PM, Blogger Kales said…

    Ohhhh poor Squishy :o(
    May he/she/it rest in peace!

  • At 2:31 PM, Blogger Saru-San said…

    Here's my Italian-American way of dealing with death:

    "Ah, Squishy... whaddayagonnado? At least he's not suffering. He's in a better place, with Stumpy and Pinka and Moo Moo."

    Poor little Squishy.

  • At 8:36 PM, Blogger M said…

    kales - aw, thanks.

    saru - LOL, now bring on the marsala and sugar coated biscuits.

  • At 10:24 PM, Blogger Nick said…

    Aww, hon. First Steve Irwin, then Brocky and now Squishy - oh, the humanity :(

    At least he has Steve for company in the great wilderness in the sky, with Brocky taking them both on a little blat through heaven. Squishy would be blowing bubbles excitedly :)

  • At 9:25 AM, Blogger M said…

    nick - I hope Steve Irwin doesn't try to wrestle him.

    shaf - still deciding about the pet fish - might just leave it for now and get something that can actually walk later on. I shamelessly flushed him. It was a touching ceremony. :(


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